I love that scene in "The Incredibles" where Mr. Incredible pulls up in his car and there is a little boy on a tricycle waiting for him. When Mr. Incredible looks at him and rudely says "What are you waiting for?" the boy responds "I don't know, something amazing!"
I so often feel like a kid on a tricycle waiting for the spectacular to happen in my life. It's like I cozy up with my blanket and popcorn and just sit back till the show starts. I had to ask myself the other day "Anna, what are you waiting for?" But I have to admit, I felt the sweet sting of conviction when my heart responded "I don't know...something amazing."
I am amazing. I have the ability to do amazing things every day. The same spirit that raised Christ from the dead dwells inside me. And if I actually wipe the dust that has settled over my eyes (as I sit in my comfortable seat) away...I see the amazing things that have been happening in my life.
My dear friend Gary passed away about a month ago. My heart still hurts. He was like a father to me and he was very close to my dad. As I hung out with his family and tried to be an encouragement, I remember thinking "How can I help when I am a wreck myself?" Then a week later my grandmother died also. When I heard the news, I thought maybe my heart would just stop or pop out of my chest from being so swollen. Loss is a hammer that hits so hard and so deep. I had a few days of dark despair and suffering...but you know what? It was amazing.
My awesome Savior, like only the Great Comforter can, wrapped His love around me and held on tight. Healing is an amazing thing. Not only has the God of the Universe created our bodies so that our tissues and bones can heal, He also knows our deepest pains and soothes our heart wounds.
I have certainly found myself in a few situations that I was not sure just how I would handle. But the Lord worked in amazing ways. So interesting, I wanted spectacular, he gave me great pain. He allows me to see Him at work so much better when I am not just thinking about myself and what I want.
You know what? I experienced His glory in a way that I have not seen it before. In such an eternal and resolved light. God's glory...yup. That is the kind of amazing that I want in m life.