Saturday, September 5, 2009

Call me Crazy

I have been thinking a lot about technology and how it really has so many pros and cons. I realized the other day that I have my phone with me, well, pretty much ALWAYS! When I sleep, it charges by my head, when I am in church it is on vibrate, when I go into to pay for gas I carry it in my hand, when I go to the get the picture. My Blackberry and I are "attatched at the hip".
On my phone I have the internet, e-mail, Google chat so I could talk to Em when she was in the Czech, ICQ, the Bible, a Calorie Counter, Twitter, and all sort of other applications. I am fully available to people ALL OVER THE WORLD all the time! Crazy! And I don't think I need to be that available. I really think that it has been an idol in my life. I freak out when I do not have my phone. How lame is that?

So...I am going to go on "phone fasts" pretty regularly. I will take days to just spend with the Lord and with the people arounds me, without my phone. If there is an emergency, you can call my husband or just call me like 6 times and if I check it every now and then to make sure there is not a problem.

If I do not get back to you right away, it's not because I don't love's because I do love you and I want to be more attentive to you when we are together and not constantly on my phone.
