Ahhh! I am so tired of philosophers. I really am. Sorry Plato, no intention to offend. But if I hear one more person talk about life as if it is a theory, I might shoot myself. Or better yet, them. : ) (I am not normally this violent.) Here's the deal. LIFE IS NOT A THEORY. I can reach out and touch things, I can breathe in and out, I live in a tangible and very REAL world...that is part of an even bigger universe. I am not in any way discounting the spiritual realm that we also live in. I want to be clear in that.
But I am tired of modern day philosophers. We see them everywhere. Colleges are infiltrated with them, our churches host them at our pulpits, we listen to them and get all emotional and stirred when then lead our bible studies...they are everywhere. What do they do? They talk about ideas as if an idea is the root and end of all things. They treat the Kingdom like it is some experiment that can be hypothesized about and put into a test tube. They talk talk talk talk talk about what we should do and be and who God is and says that we are. A lot of the things that they say are true, biblical, and "sound". But they are still just theories if no one lives them out. Right?
We are to be hearers and DOERS of the word. Our ideas are NOTHING if they do not push us to action. And I fear that our lives are just becoming this big spiritual pep rally, but we never get out there and play the game. Does anybody hear me? I mean can anyone relate to this?
I do not mean to say that I am not privy to all these things. I am just as bad. I will sit around and talk about what we are going to do for the Lord and who we are going to be and how we out to be full of passion, intention, and other things. It's like I sit there and read the word and have awesome talks with God and know exactly what I need to do...and then go on with my day like none of that happened. Sometimes I feel like I am this awesome, advanced, polished, well-made, pair of running shoes that just sits on a shelf somewhere collecting dust. But they are good in theory right?
Ug. I am so tired of being a philosopher.