Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Dr. Keith Phillips spoke at a church we were visiting on Sunday. The man is a gifted (and might I add crafty) speaker. He has this way of making sacrificial life appealing. Really, he makes us want to pack up and move to Watts and start a street ministry. He does not butter it up...he presents a life of challenge, hard work, and living with a missional disposition. And yet the way the Lord speaks through Keith and allows the words to flow together just seems to get me every time.

I am not sure that we are supposed to move to LA right now. I am not sure that we are supposed to move to Africa either. Actually, I am not sure we are supposed to "move" at all. In the literal sense of course. But I am SURE that the Lord is "daring us to MOVE". There are things that we CAN do. We can be faithful with what the Lord has placed before us right now in Simi Valley. We CAN diligently pray for missionaries and visit them or send notes of encouragement. And we certainly CAN be willing and ready to pick up and move when God asks us to.

We all have skills and talents the Lord has given to us. We all have people in our lives that we directly impact. We may not all move to the inner city or across the globe with the good news of our Savior. But are we doing all that we CAN do?

Will you pray for us and with us? And will you commit to praying and asking the Lord to reveal what you CAN do?


Adam, Erin and Titus said...

we've been praying through and working on what we can do in santa clarita.. its exciting, anna. we've been so inspired from francis and rather than picking up and moving to cornerstone we are feeling the need to use cornerstone as a resource and use ourselves here.

Jonathan said...

Yes. :)