Thursday, July 26, 2007


"One impulse from a vernal wood can teach you more of man, of moral evil and of good than all the sages can." William Wordsworth

I am no transcendentalist. I have never embraced a tree. I believe that while God does manifest Himself to us through nature (Romans 1) that nature itself will not lead us to truth. I do however understand that a week ago this evening I was standing on the pier in Port Angeles, Washington watching as the violent colors of the sky dipped down into the water by the harbor. The sun bid farewell but graciously left us the twilight to remind us of its return. I was in awe. Truly and utterly humbled.
True beauty, especially in nature, is awakening. It has taught me much and dissapointed me little.
I am no trancendentalist, but William, I agree.

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