Saturday, October 6, 2007

4 Year Old Wisdom

I was babysitting. Alisa was sitting on a barstool while I did the dishes. I sing all the time, really I don't stop. I was quietly singing a line from a song my dear friend Andrew Sartain wrote "Walk with me, together we'll consume the sky...who am I?"

"It shouldn't be that," Alisa commented casually.
"What shouldn't be what?" I asked.
"It shouldn't be walk with me, that's dumb."

I paused. She is only four but I was quite certain she knew something profound about life that I didn't.
"Well, what should the song say Alisa?"
"It should say love with me, that's better."

Love is a movement, it's a revolution. It changes, it endures, it empowers, and it is absolutely the answer. Alisa does not know the entirety of the lyrics in Andrew's song. She has no idea the implications he was trying to encourage and great meaning he intended. But she does know LOVE and that there is no greater song.

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