The sign read "Customs/ U.S. Citizens". My gaze was not fixed in the enormous line that stood below the sign, backed up into the istle way, looped around the back of the airport, and trailed off down the runway. Alright, it wasn't really that long. But to a girl who hadn't seen her parents in a seems liked it would take an eternity to get to them. (I was only supposed to be in the Czech for three weeks but due to terrorist threats we were there for another week.)
I tapped my foot, shifted back and forth, wiggled, sighed, and inched my way through that line. Finally! I was free! The officer welcomes me back into the United States and informed me that I appeared to be no threat to the country (Thank you kindly sir). I then turned the corner to see yet ANOTHER line. Baggage!? Now I had to wait for my luggage and then stand in another line where I would be questioned about what was in my bags. Didn’t they know that I was not threat to the country? Obviously not. I gathered my wits and endured through yet another LONG line.
By the time I was through it I was literally running to the exit. At this point I think they were questioning if I possibly was a threat to the United States : ). I stammered around the corner and as soon as only an inch of me was visible to the crowd waiting there I head a very loud and enthusiastic “ANNA!”. My eyes filled with tears at the sound of my Dad’s voice and I saw the sea of people part as my Dad and Mom pushed everyone out of their way. (Ok, that was dramatic too.) I hugged them both as tightly as possible and was so thankful to be home and with them. I had missed them and been missed. The mere 200 feet of walls, lines, dividers, officers, baggage, and crowds that had separated us were now conquered and I was finally with them.
There are so many ideas in my head, lessons learned, and illustrations I could make out of this instance. I could now break it down analytically : ) and talk about anticipation, patience, joy, endurance, God’s timing, ect… But I just wanted to share this story with you to let you into a beautiful moment in my life. I hope that you all have someone that will be there anxiously awaiting your company. Thank you Dad for your shouts, you can yell at me (like that ha ha) anytime. Thank you Mom for your great hugs that speak volumes. I love you both and I cannot wait to see you again.