Thursday, February 19, 2009

Married Stuff

Things I learned from being married...thus far:
1. Teeth need to be brushed more frequently.
2. Since we are one now, I can't get away with being in an invisible bad mood. What is that you ask? I used to be able to be outwardly gleeful but inwardly cynical when I woke up on the "wrong side of the bed". Now...He knows.
3. I am pretty selfish and overbearing.
4. He likes me just the way I am.
5. He has opionions too : ) Like where to put couches and stuff.
6. Having someone else in your bed takes getting used to.
7. God really likes to give us good gifts! I am so thankful for my husband!


Jonathan said...

Haha. Can you tell him he needs to get back to work? Two weeks off?! I mean, c'mon.

Maybe I'm just jealous. :-)

Gapper Nest said...

So cool! Anna, praising God for your union with David!!! God will be refining both of you more closely. I Love being married to a man that looks into to God :D