Saturday, November 10, 2007

Sidenote (Expanded)

Only the valiant will understand this...

I would like to paint a picture and put all of me into every stroke.
I would like to play a symphany and put beauty into every note.
Because you see the art in me.
And I hear music when you speak.

Updated December 1st

These are the lyrics to a song that I was writing. It was intended to be two-fold. The more obvious intention (if you know my heart) is that it is a small part of a love song between the Lord and I. It was also meant for someone in my life who has been wonderfully encouraging and inspiring lately.

I decided that although the lines are simple and the stanza is short...that is all I am going to write. I said what I wanted to and am not going to go any further, except to explain a bit about what I mean.

When we feel recognized, cherished, and is amazing how our outlook on things changes. We feel more emboldened and capable. When someone believes in us, the results of our ambitions are often wonderful. When I started thinking upon this a bit more I came up with a question. When we are treasured and praised, do you think we produce greater things or is it that we fabricated great things all along but were not noticed?

This is too broad an idea to decide upon a difinitive answer. Also, I know that each individual situation is unique. So, I will be a little more transparent than usual and let you into my own life. I met someone who sees the art in me. Words are such an affirming thing to me and encouragement has always seemed to be a powerful modivation to my heart. Through the words and affirming actions of this individual, I have been so greatly uplifted. I feel valued and cared for. It's not that I did not have those things present in my life before; the Lord is more than enough to sustain those desires. It is simply this: sometimes the Lord provides people the ability to see us as He does. And when this happens...we are beautifully and marvelously free to be as extrordinary as He designed for us to be. It's like He gives us a little boost : ).

I have been studying verses and passages on "encouragement" and "glory" this week. I know that the Lord uses us as tools to spur one another on towards greatness. But it is now that I have seen this so gracisouly in my own life that I desire to know and understand it more deeply. I will keep updating this blog on what I discover. We will call this a preface, if you will.

P.S. Thank you for seeing the beauty in me. It enables me to show it to others.

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